== Tech, guns, D&D, and OCD ==

Never Stop Never Stopping

Perhaps this will cure what ails me I can’t stop fiddling with things. Last time, it was Pelican, then I was like screw it, use hosted Wordpress, and now it’s Hugo and once-again self-hosting. Kinda fucked up, really.

Trying to unwind myself from macOS and Apple

I have been using macOS on the desktop since the first public beta; I was (and still am) a rabid NeXTStep fanboy, so the idea of “we’re gonna do NeXTStep for modern hardware” was too much to resist. A modern Unix that is free of all the problems of desktop Linux? Sign me up. Similarly I have been on iOS since the first iPhone. There were a couple of dalliances and experiments with other platforms but my core device was always iOS. Read more...

Campaign Idea: Last Train To Clarksville

This is another game I’ve been wanting to run. It’s basically a military hexcrawl with time-pressure. It would probably work with something like Traveller or Lancer. The basic idea is, the PCs are deposited on some backwater planet, with a mission to investigate some McGuffin - an unexpected power spike, meet with some local, recon some area, whatever, it doesn’t really matter. The “turn” comes when some terribly bad guy appears; something like, an enemy battle fleet jumps in-system. Read more...

D&D Campaign Idea: Save The Dark Lord, Save The World

[Please note that this isn’t really super fleshed out with serious world details, it’s more of a sketch] So one day the Realm is threatened by the Dread Lord, who using the Magical Macguffin will take over and rule with an iron fist for 100,000 years. A group of heroes arise to stop him. But our Dread Lord expected this, and stops them! He apparently read the " Evil Overlord List" and came correct. Read more...

At long last, the true secret to weight loss!

Expend more than you consume. There you go. But what about - BZZT! Expend more than you consume. That is it. There’s nothing more to it than that. Should I do keto, or some other - BZZT! Expend more than you consume. How is your problem. It should be sustainable, affordable, enjoyable, and should allow you to be happy and comfortable consuming fewer calories than you expend. What about cardio vs weights vs - Read more...

The Cybertruck Challenge

So if I read one more fucking post about how the Cybertruck is the greatest creation of humankind since fire I am going to scream. But then I thought, let’s concoct a simple means to test it! And that test is: is it actually a truck? Thus, I give to you, the Cybertruck Challenge! It is as follows: 1. Start with a fully changed vehicle. 2. Load the bed with the following: Read more...

The past is mostly wrong

If you go back and look at the predictions of things like Popular Mechanics and Omni, or just about any writer, thinker, or science communicator for that matter, the one consistent thing you see is how goddamn wrong they are. About everything. The flying car is the poster child for this. It was obvious - obvious! - we’d have them in no time. Energy is cheap, and technology was growing by leaps and bounds. Read more...

What if the Cybertruck is a failure?

So I saw a lot of “the Cybertruck will be the end of Tesla” posts today, and I started thinking about that a little. I think the answer is a very solid “nope!”, even in the event of actual massive failure. Allow me to explain. I think the outcome really depends on how you define “the end of Tesla”, and who is really making the important decisions at Tesla. Scenario 1 is that the adults in the room (the board? Read more...

Trailer FAQ, 2023 updates

So many changes recently! The Awning Thing Now we have an actual 270 from 23Zero, and … OK we are happy with it, but it is not without problems. FIrst, the underside is a black spray-on material. This means it can flake off! It also means it makes it darker and colder. In summer, that’s not too much of a problem, but in winter, it’s less than ideal. We have walls for it. Read more...

Trailer FAQ, 2021 update

I wanted to update some stuff from the original post about my trailer. Recent thoughts on “if I did it again” The biggest thing is that Hiker now has a new model, the Mid-Range XL Off-Road. This basically splits the difference between our Mid-Range and the much, much more intense Extreme Off-Road. You get a slightly more robust chassis and a little more ground clearance. We do not, as I have said, do crazy off-road stuff, but we _do_ push the envelope a little. Read more...
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